Changelog for Blink Pro (Mac OSX)
Version 6.2.3
December 14th, 2024
- Fix crash when dragging sms tab items
Version 6.1.0
November 15th, 2022
- Messaging fixes
- Audio codecs selection bug fix
Version 6.0.3
December 1st, 2021
- PGP key exchange fixes
- Chat and messaging fixes
- Close audio call if DNS llokup fails
- Added AMR and AMR-WB codecs
- Removed GSM, iLBC and Speex codecs
- Check if codecs exists in the engine when changing Preferences
- Added PSTN asserted identity setting
Version 6.0.0
November 15th, 2021
- Added Group menu item to delete all contacts from a group
- Added contact synchronization compatible with Sylk API
- Added message history using SylkServer conversations API
- Added Export PGP private key window and logic
- Decrypt old messages in history viewer
- Set missing account settings for known domains
- Fixed DNS lookups for Bonjour sessions
- Screen sharing fixes
Version 5.2.2
July 8th, 2021
- Fixed manually selecting audio devices
- Fixes for OTR encryption in Messages
- Better systems messages when encryption changes
- Use green lock for SDES audio encryption
- Fixed main menu items
- Fixed Icon replication
- Added PGP encryption items in Message toolbar
Version 5.2.1
July 5th, 2021
- Fixed negotiating RTP encryption parameters
- Fixed handling inline images in chat window
- Chat sessions fixes
- Conferencing fixes
- Fixed display call transfer destination
- Fixed exchanging icon within Bonjour chat session
Version 5.2.0
June 26th, 2021
- Added VP9 video codec
- Added AMR wideband audio codec
- Added OpenPGP support for messaging
- Added message disposition notifications
- Fixed Bonjour lookups
- Fixed audio recordings
- File transfer fixes
- Fixed video calls with VP8 crashes
- Conferencing fixes
- Screen sharing fixes
- History browser fixes
- TLS verify server fixes
- Fixed resizing chat drawer elements
Version 5.1.3
April 9th, 2021
- MSRP chat stream fix
Version 5.1.2
April 1st, 2021
- DNS fixes
Version 5.1.1
March 25th, 2021
- Fix for incoming sessions
- Improve handling of network conditions changes
- Use CPIM envelope for outgoing MESSAGE sessions
- Added Microphone permission request
- Added Contacts permission request
- Improved Spanish and Dutch layouts
- Improved logging in Debug window
- Fixed handling failed registration notifications
- Improved handling of some blocking operations (DNS, XCAP)
- Fixed Aqua theme for Session Info Panel
- Fixed audio recordings
Version 5.1.0
March 15th, 2021
- Added video sessions (VP8 and H.264 codecs)
- Fixed display name in alert panel
- Fixes in session info panel
- Fixed DTMF sending
- Fixed fitering contacts
- Fixed handling contact backups
- Fixed decoding contact icon
- Fixed decoding server call history data
- Fixed resizing drawers
- Fixed generating replication password
- Make DNS lookup failure fit audio box
- Capture history exception
- Allow Message method to Bonjour accounts
- Several logging fixes and improvements
Version 5.0.0
March 3rd, 2021
- Migrate to Python 3
- Renewed TLS certificates
- Added OTR for SIP MESSAGE sessions
Version 4.6.0
September 27th, 2017
- Bug fixes
Version 4.5.0
September 28th, 2016
- Fixed crash in OSX 10.12
Version 4.4.6
May 23rd, 2016
- Fixed some multi-threading issues that may lead to crashes
Version 4.4.5
April 25th, 2016
- Handle re-INVITEs with no SDP to enhance interoperability
Version 4.4.4
April 3rd, 2016
- Improve code resilence against posible race conditions
Version 4.4.3
March 18th, 2016
- Critical bug fixes
- Fixed memory leakes
Version 4.4.2
February 29th, 2016
- Critical bug fixes
Version 4.4.1
December 10th, 2015
- Critical bug fixes for OSX 10.11.2
Version 4.4.0
November 8th, 2015
- Fix screen-sharing on OSX >= 10.10
- Fixed broken SIP registrations when network conditions changes
- Fixup audio - video stream order
- Fixed detecting aspect ratio of remote video stream
- Don't lookup contact if none is selected
- Fixed check if a contact is matched
- Fixed identifying previous file transfer to same recipient
Version 4.3.0
July 1st, 2015
- Added VP8 codec
- Added pause/resume for file transfers
- Added call history for bonjour sessions
- Added display name to session history table
- Added encryption field to history session table
- Fixed rendering per contact history items
- Fixed redial Bonjour contact
- Fixed selecting remote video aspect ratio
- Fixed opening semi-HD cameras of latest 2 inch Macs
- Fixed contact matching for outgoing calls
- Don't play encryption sounds if ZRTP not supported
- Handle double click of bonjour contact in history contacts list
- Improve session history management
- Save session encryption information to history database
- Update history items after call was logged to history
- Show entry in missed calls group if call back failed
Version 4.2.1
March 20th, 2015
- Fixed File Transfer using drag and drop over video window
- Fixed setting user agent after upgrade or first start
- Fixed draining the message queue in ChatStream
- Fixed blocking in video streams
- Fixed sending initial keyframes when ICE is used
Version 4.2.0
February 26th, 2015
- Improve general GUI performance
- Fixed SDES related exceptions
- Prevent loading unnecessary libraries outside the bundle
- Added audio RX/TX packet loss graph in session info panel
- Fixed Chat and Audio/Video OTR and ZRTP bugs
- Update SDK libraries
- Fixed chat history replication
- Fixed loading SIP server web page when using multiple accounts
- Fixed auto accepting video for Bonjour calls
- Fixed Opus codec negotiation
- Refactored ZRTP GUI
- Fixed open/close chat and audio drawer
- Render images sent inline chat stream
- Added control to prevent auto scrolling of logs
- Added chat option to silence GUI notifications if session is not focused
- Skip system address book when searching for existing presence contact
- Add 'opportunistic' SRTP key negotiation setting
- Fixed SMS exception
Version 4.1.0
November 1st, 2014
- Added video view to audio drawer
- Added ZRTP support (RFC 6189)
- Added sending screenshot to video window
- Rename video device to video camera
- Fixed OTR SMP negotiation
- Improve user feedback during video session setup
- Change naming convention for screen capture filenames
- Allow scaling down of video window
- Improved contextual video menu and video transitions to and from audio drawer
- Fixed chat window toolbar
- Added Dutch translation
- Refactor video view transitions from standalone to chat and viceversa
- Fixed video transitions between chat and standalone modes
Version 4.0.1
October 8th, 2014
- Fixed selecting search box field
- Customize GUI close delay
- Fixed printing chat disconnect message
- Refresh devices when waking up from sleep
- Reload only chat sessions that had actual messages
- Print hint for how to unlock stuck camera
- Don't mangle chat html payloads
- Use thin dividers in chat drawer view
- Hide video cancel button after hangup
- Fixed printing account registration status
- Improve chat disconnect message
- Fixed handling video view in chat window when call fails
- Set stream status to failed if session fails
- Refresh devices when waking up from sleep
- Fixed aspect rescaling after scaling window
- Refresh devices after system is stable
- Improve position of hangup button
- Use SSLv23 method for TLS
Version 4.0.0
September 25th, 2014
- Added Video sessions
- Handle initial INVITE with no SDP
- Show an alert option in Preference panel
- Auto-focus first tile after open audio drawer
- Center alert panel on screen
- Fixed update conference contacts in chat drawer
- Improved GUI responsivness during RLS presence updates with large payloads
- Fixed screen sharing handling
- Show proper a failure session failure message when no IP address exists
- Show selected account in the audio tile when starting the call
- Reset account registration status and contact presence after wakeup from sleep
- Added icons for indicating account TLS transport
- Fixed decoding server provided timezone
- Properly reregister / resubscribe / republish account after transport disconnects
- Fixed duplicate Missed call section in history menu
- Save AEC status per combination of audio devices
- Don't switch sections when click on Help toolbar button
- Don't alert user when closing multiple idle chat sessions
- Don't send UI notifications for connection failures
- Fixed copy/paste from new contact request
Version 3.9.1
June 21st, 2014
- Added Organization attribute to contacts
- Add sleeping icon for contacts
- Add notifications when connections break
- Improve Photo Picker
- Improve Chat sessions
- Improve ICE negotiation
- Added setting for enabling media detection from presence
- Group Chat and SMS together in History viewer
- Load last week by default in History viewer
- Improve structure for various menus
- Enable answering machine for Bonjour calls
- Show answering machine button by default in Alert panel
- Don't print audio bandwidth
- Implement adding multiple streams at the same time
- Improve resilience against network failures
- Don't switch automatically to audio input only device
- Fixed Screen sharing status panel
- Bug fixes in the middleware
Version 3.9.0
March 19th, 2014
- Added option to strip digits from PSTN numbers
- Added network bandwidth utilization for audio calls
- Added option to conference menu to tell when participants list has changed
- Added menu item to open last Instant Messages window
- Fixed time replication from server history entries
- Decode URLs received from external apps
- Adapt to API changes in AudioStream recording
- Fixed default of answering machine setting
- Fixed detecting session state
- Improve debug logging of sessions
- Detect pending hold requests to disable session buttons accordingly
- Improved detection of session status for enabling session action buttons
- Retry alternative route in case of server failure
- Improve visual and audible feedback when taking snapshot with camera
- Save session start and end time in UTC
- Show progress indicator when adding audio from Chat window
- Refactor changing presence state
- Start a new session from scratch if proposal fails
- Fixed selecting presence from history
- Fixed detecting screen sharing active connection
- Improve engine connection logs
- Fixed marking chat messages as failed if stream did not start
- Fixed Alert URL handling
- Improved logging of account registration status
- Imediately fail to start session if we have no IP address
- Imediately fail sending SMS if we have no IP address
- Improved logging of network changes
- Fixed account registration status string when no IP address is available
- OTR fixes for SMS messages
- Strip spaces from URIs in contacts
- Bring main window on top when clicking on the system menu icon
- Discard availability UI notifications for myself
- Improve anonymous user detection
- Don't bring up file transfer window when sending screenshots
- Fix crash if sdp_done callback is processed too late
- Mute microphone imediately when deactivating audio stream
- Handle errors when sending hold/unhold requests
- Use for bonjour when the default IP address is not available
- Fixed some ICE negotication corner cases
- Save early if remote party is focus
- Improve OTR negotiation
Version 3.8.0
February 4th, 2014
- Added OTR encryption for SIP Message sessions
- Improve logging of SMS sessions
- Fixed post dial DTMF checks
- Update Chat window title
- Always send own icon after starting a chat session
- Renamed Latency to Network Latency
- Divide RTT value by 2 for audio latency display
- Don't repeat audio quality log messages
- Get chat window out of the way when sending screen shots
- Improve external alert description
- Allow Alert URL to be any type not just http(s)
Version 3.7.0
January 26th, 2014
- Added rich text capabilities for Chat sessions
- Allow using Alert panel even when screen saver is active
- Highlight DND SIP accounts with red
- Log when starting session from a call transfer request
- Don't update codec data in audio status if call was transfered
- Refactored how the streams are reused
- Fixed handling failed outgoing pull file transfer
- Fixed stopping ringtone in some failure cases
- Shorten Chat session failure messages
- Strip sip: from sip next hop in audio status
Version 3.6.0
January 18th, 2014
- Allow File transfer of entire folders as zip archives
- Don't play local ringtone if early media is active
- Show encryption status for history messages in SMS window
- Show Activity tab on logs window load
- Print connectivity failure in sip registration status for some PJSIP errors
- Don't require OTR encryption for Bonjour sessions
- Improved parsing of sip addresses called from external applications
- Allow dragging folders over Audio session to start File transfer
- Fixed rendering incoming image file transfer in Chat window
- Allow dropping folders over Chat window to start File transfer
- Log when IP address changes
- Stick visually Chat messages from the same recipient together
- Add system address book at the end of the group lists when searching matching contact
- Don't print connection system messages for replayed Chat history
- Don't print OTR encryption errors in Chat window
- Refactor purging of temporary files
- Print SIP registration details once
- Fixed stopping outgoing ringtones when both 180 and 183 are received
- Fixed displaying shared conference files when switching Chat tabs
Version 3.5.1
January 10th, 2014
- Added toggle Outgoing calls group to contextual menu
- Fixed updating encryption icon for pending messages
- Fixed backup of default_uri
- Don't delete accounts from iCloud because is unreliable
- Don't require presence to enable start chat menu item
- Fixed contextual menu item for anonymous history entries
- Show voicemail entries for anonymous callers in history groups
Version 3.5.0
January 3rd, 2014
- Added Opus codec 1.1
- Added send snapshot from camera to Chat sessions (click on Grab toolbar menu)
- Added advanced option to automatically send anonymous calls to Answering Machine
- Fixed flipping audio status after the Audio stream has ended
- Fixed setting encryption lock for sent messages without encryption
- Fixed initializing AddressBook contacts if no uris are available
- Fixed OTR chat negotiating bugs
- Fixed cancelling adding Audio from the Chat window
- Fixed stoping ringing if re-Invite failed due to illegal session status
- Fixed sending pending outgoing Chat messages after session has started
- Fixed Chat iscomposing indication in some situations
- Remove contact from online group when subscribe for Presence is disabled
- Improved display of File Transfers status
- Don't update iCloud settings for accounts that have this feature disabled
- Properly capture exceptions when creating a new SIP account
- Refactored publishing icon URLs for presence
- Trim last spurious newline for Chat messages
- Allow retry File Transfer for failed transfers after program restart
- Purge temporary snapshot files on exit
- Avoid exceptions if NOTIFY cannot be sent when terminating subscriptions
- Use 101 as the telephone-event SDP payload type
Version 3.4.0
November 22nd, 2013
- Added settings for RTT treshhold
- Added toolbar button to start audio call from SMS window
- Added manual sorting for Contact URIs belonging to a Contact
- Added Jabber and all Email addresses to AB contacts
- Added copy/paste from Watcher list to Contact list
- Added option to skip contacts sync with server when adding existing account
- Added DND until call is ended
- Added job title and organization for Address Book contacts
- Added search in Address Book note and job title
- Unmute microphone before starting an audio call
- Improved handling of Chat messsages with html payload
- Enable audio button only if session is not in progress
- Disable Presence if contacts sync is disabled during enrollment
- Only mark the account as cleaned after the operation is performed
- Ignore the absence or resource_lists or sipsimple_addressbook
- Do not mess with the XCAPManager internal state machine
- Fixed sorting SIP addresses when droping file over contact
- Lookup icons in blink presence contacts only
- Handle multiple URIS when create presence contact from another contact
- Use first SIP URI as name if missing for Address Book contacts
- Fixed stopping music apps
- Automatically process , in phone numbers as DTMF delimiter
- Fixed migrating version for session history table
- Print SIP next hop in audio tile
- Allow deletion of contacts in Online Group
Version 3.3.0
October 6th, 2013
- Added OTR protocol for end-to-end private Chat conversations
- Added SMP protocol for verifying remote fingerprints for private Chat conversations
- Added per Contact/Session storage option for private Chat conversations
- Added a safety timer for Music application muting when they fail
- Mark pending outgoing Chat messages as failed if the DNS lookup fails
- Mark privacy for each Chat messages using a coloured lock
- Added option to purge Logs saved to files in Preferences
- Allow starting Audio call from Chat window
- Honor remote preference for not logging Chat to local history database
- End Session when reinvite fails for last stream
- Refactored toggling visibility of Collaborative editor
- Don'r render system message when cancelling Chat session
- Show loading indicator in chat view when connecting session
- Don't duplicate system Chat message when a chat stream fails
- Fixed marking failed Chat messages
- Fixed startup if default Account is None
- Fixed reusing Audio tile after one SIP route fails
- Use white font for failed Chat messages
- Fixed display of packet loss in Audio tile
- Fixed DNS lookup blockiness
- Fixed crash when in-dialog request fails to be sent within a subscription
- Fixed memory leak by initializing the handler after the stream initialized
- Properly handle mutex creation failures
Version 3.2.0
August 23th, 2013
- Added pause music setting in Audio preferences
- Fixed reusing Chat sessions in same window
- Fixed position of Call transfer contextual menu
- Fixed detecting when Music has been paused
- Fixed handling errors in remove_stream
- Improved Chat connection messages
- Improved performance of LDAP queries
- Improved performace of loading System Address Book
- Handle System Address Book changes incrementally
- Don't set a default DTMF delimiter to #
- Use single global c line when creating SDP
- Relax Opus codec matching when doing SDP negotiation
- Always put useinbandfec in SDP for Opus codec
Version 3.1.1
August 5th, 2013
- Reload model after deleting policy entry
- Fixed calling logging function
- Skip connecting to chat replication server if chat replication password not set
- Don't add chat to replication journal if chat replication password not set
- Handle hanging ringing sessions with a clean up timer
- Auto select authorized account for session to XMPP contacts
- Increase GUI responsivness when session ends
- Don't try publish after application ended
- Fetch last 10 entries in history menu
- Don't refresh history menu after every call
- Hide end chat delimiter when replaying Chat history
- Don't print chat session delimiters when replaying SMS history
- Disable history scolling for Bonjour accounts
- Update history menu section titles
Version 3.1.0
August 5th, 2013
- Added elastic scrollback in time for Chat sessions
- Added elastic scrollback in time for SMS sessions
- Added search text capability within Chat and SMS sessions
- Added setting to enable the Answering Machine in alert panel
- Load history messages from all uris belonging to a contact
- Don't log duplicate database entries error
- Change background colors of failed chat messages
- Log chat errors through its associated session controller
- Fixed sending pending messages after connecting chat stream
- Send own icon only for Bonjour chat
- Improved navigation of history entries by date
- Fixed removing outgoing ringtone when using failure route
- Fixed removing on_hold ringtones for failed sessions
- Fixed initialisation of collaboration editor and display
- Fixed selecting missed calls entries
- Render voice messages recorded by answering machine in contact contextual menu
- Renamed Voicemail to Answering Machine
- Reload only the last ten file transfers by default
- Reworked mute music applications using official Scripting Bridge API
- Use night volume settings for speech synthesizer
- Don't auto open chat window at startup for replicated messages
- Fixed crash on SMS window dealloc
Version 3.0.0
July 26th, 2013
- Added audio ultra-wideband support for 32 kHz and 48kHz sample rates
- Added Acoustic Echo Cancellation for 32kHz sample rate
- Added Automatic Gain Control for microphone input
- Added OPUS codec at 32kHz with AEC enabled and 48kHz with AEC disabled
- Added 32kHz and removed 8kHz sample rate for Speex codec
- Added Chat privacy setting to avoid logging messages to history
- Added icons to History menu items
- Added availability notifications for Mountain Lion or newer OSX versions
- Added option to start multiparty Conference when all participants are available
- Added last calls submenu to Contact contextual menu
- Added speech synthesis menu item to tell when a Contact becomes available
- Moved Availability indicator on the right side of the contacts
- Added hide/show option for menu items of History Groups and History Contacts
- Added contextual Group menu items for selection of the history period
- Added special groups toggle in main interface bottom left contacts button
- Added per contact setting to start both audio and chat
- Added add/remove Chat to audio session tile
- Remove contacts from Missed Call Group after succeesful calls
- Fixed automatic hangup on RTP timeout per account
- Fixed getting daily entries in history viewer when using aliases
- Don't filter by media type when opening history viewer for a contact
- Fixed Presence handling bugs
- Fixed high CPU usage when many contacts get presence updates
- Fixed Call Hold to stop streaming
- Fixed hogging the GUI when re-loading file transfer history
- Fixed number of missed calls for Contacts in Missed Calls Group
- Fixed a random crash when Screen Sharing session ends
- Fixed initializing smileys theme
- Fixed duplication of replicated SMS messages
- Fixed fall back to alternative SIP routes
- Beautify codec names in Preferences panel
- Improved general logging
- Improved performance of history database queries
- Reduced startup and shutdown time
- Reduced overall application memory usage
- Finish session when click on disconnect Chat button
- Removed jitter buffer from Session info panel
- Replaced preferred media in contact editor with pop up button
- Strip spaces from audio device name
June 11th, 2013
Version 2.3.1
June 11th, 2013
- Added compatibility with MacOSX Mavericks
- Added notifications for MacOSX >=10.8
- Added menu option to copy history contact uri to search bar
- Fixed deleting source contact when merging
- Fixed selecting None as audio device
- Stop spinning wheel if authentication fails
- Replace synthetic myself contact with handling new presence notification for myself
- Bundle Python framework within Blink application
Version 2.3.0
May 9th, 2013
- Added microphone signal level meter in Audio Drawer
- Added button in Alert Panel to send call directly to Answering Machine
- Added real-time replication of MSRP chat sessions with SIP2SIP accounts
- Added menu item in Contacts menu to show Pending Contact Requests
- Added paste capability to active audio session for sending DTMF tones
- Set default application filter to Sessions in SIP Logs window
- Print ICE negotiation results in RTP Logs window
- Display RTP latency and round trip time in audio tile and RTP Logs window
- Fixed contact dragging exception when searching
- Refresh history menu after session has been saved to history database
- Save previously used audio devices before switching to new audio devices
- Display actual used default devices in Alert Panel
- Fixed selecting audio devices on OSX 10.8
- Drop duplicated incoming SMS messages
- Improved logging for SMS messages
Version 2.2.0
March 25th, 2013
- Added button to send call directly to voicemail
- Added button to add call to existing conference
- Added setting to enable on_the_phone automatic presence activity per account
- Added audio recordings to contextul contact menu
- Added menu item to send email invitation to conference room
- Added copy to clipboard conference menu item
- Fixed overlapping auto-answer text label
- Check if account is not None
- Fixed overlapping variable name
- Remove debug statements
- Show Presence status section in Bonjour account
- Capture exceptions for unknown setting types
- Auto-close session if cannot remove audio stream
- Publish offline note when invisible
- Bounce dock icon once when chat message is received but Blink is not on the foreground
- Only bounce the dock icon once for missed calls
- Account for incoming calls answered by machine as missed calls
- Optimize sending screen captures in multi-party conferences
- Print a friendly status line for timeout 408
- Disable PJSIP assertions on recoverable errors
- Avoid doing mDNS lookups with dnspython
Version 2.1.0
February 7th, 2013
- Added Bonjour presence
- Added global settings for extended debug
- Fixed memory leaks in Bonjour discovery
- Fixed memory leaks in Presence Subscriptions
- Fixes in handling Conference info payloads
- Fixed deadlock when cross instantiating conditional singletons
- Fixed login compatibility with new model
- Fixed setting referenced presence contact for conference contacts
- Improved History replication logs
- Strip sip: from Bonjour contacts
- Log all SIP applications by default in Logs window
- Improve logging of add/remove conference participants
- Handle remote icon different if remote is a focus
- Improved new contact request menu
- Closed chat tab instead of window on Cmd-w
- Removed extra checks on SDP origin field (increases audio compatibility with broken SBCs)
Version 2.0.3
January 23rd, 2013
- Added setting to reject audio calls for unauthorized contacts
- Added add contact menu item to groups
- Added move group to contacts list group textual menu
- Fixed bugs in File Transfer window
- Fixed session transfer after SDK API changes
- Fixed released of video device resources in Photo picker
- Update preferences window title with section name
- Fixes when selected audio device is None
- Renamed Messages to Instant Messages
- Reject incoming sessions from blocked contacts
- Enable contact contextual session menu items based on discovered capabilities
- Auto-select account for which we have been authorized if contact has presence
- Fixed allow drop file on top of syntetic search contact
- Allow selection of uri when droping file on contacts
- Fixed exception when droping ldap contact on top of other
- Enable re-invites based on discovered capabilities
- Enable contact contextual session menu items based on discovered capabilities
- Check if uri is valid before inviting to conference
- Fixed logging presence watchers
- Display account used for subscription in log line
- Added setting to disable session type based on using availability
- Auto-select account for which we have been authorized if contact has presence
Version 2.0.2
January 11th, 2013
- Added Presence compatibility with SIP2SIP service
- Fixed availability publisher bugs
- Fixed overwriting icon from XCAP
- Fixed Hold behaviour in some corner cases
- Fixed setting icon in contextual menu
- Log ICE negotiation failure reason
- Fixed migrating contacts from old contacts model
- Load virtual groups first thing in SIPApplicationWillStart
- Use digits only for contact usernames to improve interoperability
- Search organization for system AB contacts
- Internal refactoring of Enrollment window
- Replace Merge contacts alert panel with a new window
- Don't sent multiple growl notifications for new watchers
Version 2.0.1
December 28th, 2012
- Added synchronization of availability when using multiple devices
- Added support for HTTP urls in contact storage and availability updates
- Added availability idle_threshold settings
- Made improvements to the History browser
- Added logging for Contacts availability to History
- Added a separate icon for the synthetic Contact in the search results
- Added filter SIP trace by application in Debug window
- Fixed check if the Chat window is alive
- Fixed processing remote icon if Contact is destroyed in the meanwhile
- Fixed a test for supported audio codecs
- Fixed checking uri types for Contacts
- Fixed accepting a session if it was already cancelled
- Do not allow edit of display name in the main window
- Updated several GUI tooltips
- Replaced Chat window history icon
- Disable unused NAT type detection queries
- Correlate alert panel actions with their corresponding sessions
- Don't allow dial of anonymous uri from history viewer
- Clean up URIs received from history server call detail records
- Use digits only for contact usernames to improve interoperability
- Search organization for system AB contacts
- Internal refactoring of Enrollment window
Version 2.0.0
November 27th, 2012
- Added Presence support (PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY methods using RLS) Detailed info available at
- Added Address Book storage using XCAP rls-services and resource-lists
- Added Presence Policy using XCAP org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules
- Added Icon Storage using XCAP org.openmobilealliance.pres-content
- Added Offline Presence using XCAP pidf-manipulation
- Added XMPP interoperability for SIP2SIP accounts
- Added publish for Status, Icon, Activity, Note, Timezone, User-Input and Media Caps
- Added Presence Info Panel and render SIP devices on a world map
- Added menu to select a particular uri when dragging contact to create conference
- Added menu to select a particular uri when dragging contact to conference drawer
- Added possibility to start sessions to specific devices (using GRUU)
- Added view history menu item to History contacts
- Added move conference to server functionality
- Added back cmd-D shortcut key for Show dialpad
- Added Blink system bar menu
- Added a new multi-user avatar for messages originating from a conference focus
- Added hint for how to use own Internet domain for a SIP account
- Added GUI subsection in Account advanced section
- Added custom label for account popup menu in GUI subsection
- Fixed passing curently selected group to the Add Contact dialog
- Fixed crash when enrollment for SIP2SIP account fails
- Fixed validating Contacts backups
- Fixed processing HTTP links with unicode characters
- Fixed setting local hold state after direction was inactive
- Fixed selecting audio device menu items in Mountain Lion
- Fixed selecting built-in devices in Mountain Lion
- Fixed setting display name and icon for invited participants in chat drawer
- Fixed bug that triggered high CPU usage in case of poor connectivity conditions
- Fixed several multi-threading issues in the middleware
- Fixed Chat window toolbar menu items to work on retina displays
- Fixed updating Chat window drawer when removing audio streams
- Fixed check if audio input device is not None
- Fixed chat message replication with history server
- Fixed sharing contact widgets across groups
- Fixed calling API functions on Snow Leopard
- Fixed race conditions when deleting an account
- Improved copy of SIP URI from Contacts
- Improved layout of icons in chat window tab switcher
- Improved chat connectivity failure logs
- Improved title of alert panel depending on proposed media type
- Improved re-usage of streams for chat sessions
- Terminate session if a stream fails and can't be removed from the session
- Activate Add contact button in Contact window if at least one uri is set
- Print the reason when the configuration file is corrupted
- Speak different text for incoming file transfer
- Do not allow calling an anonymous SIP URI in History contacts
- Avoid saving contact avatar multiple times
- Simplify session starting wrappers
- Log chat replication activity
- Active app before showing presence info panel
- Avoid saving default user icon for each contact
- Do not print registration error in account popup if account register is false
- Disable redial menu item if no redial uri available
- Focus search box when typing while contact is selected
Version 1.9.0
July 23rd, 2012
- Refactored Contacts Management. For more information see
- Added chat messages replication with service
- Added window menu entry to open Chat conversations
- Added nickname support for MSRP conferences
- Added Cmd-F keyboard shortcut for search contact
- Fixed handling failed chat messages when connection drops
- Fixed critical exceptions in the debug window
- Fixed memory leaks in session and stream management
- Fixed race conditions in subscription for conference-info
- Fixed accounting of media type when chat session is cancelled
- Fixed race conditions in account registrar and subscription handler
- Fixed deleting history entries
- Fixed SDP connection address when initial request contained
- Re-mapped window keboard shortcuts
- Implemented Sandboxing
- Removed stopping audio applications functionality
- Removed automatic configuration migration from previous Blink versions
Version 1.8.3
June 4th, 2012
- Added session history synchronization with service
- Lookup history menu entries in Contacts list
- Fixed rendering and storage in history of chat text/html content type
- Fixed refreshing chat drawer when session has ended
- Fixed handling for Min-Expires header for REGISTER methods
- Fixed handling for incoming INVITE with inactive audio offer
- Fixed handling re-INVITEs with an empty body
- Fixed displaying our own contact on Bonjour conferencing
- Fixed discovery of Bonjour announced Conference servers
- Fixed stopping outgoing ringtones in some situations
- Fixed handling refresh interval from Min-Expires for SUBSCRIBE methods
- Fixed parsing errors for SIP URIs
- Fixed crash when the realm field is empty in authentication headers
- Fixed memory leaks in Session Info panel
- Fixed memory leaks in Chat Windows
- Fixed memory leaks in Conference Panel
- Fixed History Manager to be more resilient to DB errors
- Fixed encoding of cyrillic characters in history database
- Fixed setting session failure reason on local transport error
- Fixed selecting audio recording icon
- Re-init Session Info panel when re-connect chat session
- Moved web alert settings under a separate section
- Improved display of SIP account in the account popup button
- Changed default history search period to Last Week
- Don't use latin1 encoding from the history database
- Handle callto: URLs dialled from external applications
- Handle Command-W shortut in Chat window to close the window
- Do not play dtmf tones for digits typed in the Search box
- Added Show Chat Window menu item in Window menu
Version 1.8.2
May 3rd, 2012
- Added AddressBook plugins for Phone, Email and URL fields
- Fixed exception when logging a failed Call Transfer
- Fixed setting Chat Window title when there is none to be set
Version 1.8.1
April 20th, 2012
- Terminate all Sessions when going to sleep
- Improved printing of SIP Registration errors
- Improved handling of ringtones when in Silent mode
- Turn off speech synthesis when in Silent mode
- Fixed a race-condition when adding or removing a Stream
- Fixed opening the Web Alert Panel after connect
- Prevent waking up the computer by Bonjour events
- Hide unnecessary scrollbar in settings section view
Version 1.8.0
April 5th, 2012
- Added support for GRUU (RFC 5627)
- Use GRUU contact for Call Transfer when available
- Added general advanced GUI section
- Added setting for when to display the Web Alert page
- Added setting for the web browser used for alerts
- Added account setting to specify the DTMF delimiter
- Added typed text in Search Bar to the list of transfer destinations
- Added caller_username to the web alert url
- Fixed opening the Web Alert window
- Fixed timestamp display in Chat sessions
- Fixed Engine failure on bogus incoming REFER requests
- Fix crash on RTCP decryption when using SRTP
- Fixed some Subscribe method related exceptions
- Print audio stream info in Debug Window also if added later
Version 1.7.4
March 2nd, 2012
- Enable Address Book by default
Version 1.7.3
February 14th, 2012
- Fixed syncing default TLS verify server global setting with accounts
- Fixed handling IPv6 name servers
- Fixed retransmissions of previously failed chat messages
- Small layout changes to Session Info panel
Version 1.7.2
February 6th, 2012
- Added STUN servers settings to NAT traversal
- Fixed XML parsing errors that caused high CPU load
- Fixed reactivating Bonjour account after a TLS transport change
- Fixed bug that prevented the software running on Snow Leopard
- Show used local account in sesion info panel
- Fixed searching for non-ASCII characters in contacts list
Version 1.7.1
January 26th, 2012
- Added selection of alternative SIP outbound proxies
- Added start sessions with multiple media and participants from urls:;;media=audio;media=chat
- Improved iCloud synchronization logic
- Fixed validating toolbar buttons in Chat window
- Fixed stopping Screensharing when shared window is closed
- Fixed removing a stream if a negative response was received
- Fixed blocking of internal timers when menus are being displayed
- Fixed checks for private Chat messages
- Do not handle the same media stream type twice
- Do not use the dial plan of disabled accounts
- Reply with 200 OK to in-dialog OPTIONS requests
Version 1.7.0
January 9th, 2012
- Added iCloud support
- Added support for droping files over audio sessions
- Added do not disturb setting
- Added pause/resume support for Spotify
- Improved handling of desktop sharing negotiations
- Close audio drawer when opening chat window
- Fixed display of bonjour contact in drawer
- Fixed lookup of bonjour contacts in contacts list
- Allow conferencing of bonjour contacts with normal contacts
- Avoid opening drawer if no audio session is active
- Fixed handling of rejected and missed calls
- Shut Blink down if a fatal error occurs in the Engine
- Check for an attribute in sms viewer as the view is shared with chat
- Open external links from account page in system web browser
- Avoid printing chat ended message if stream failed
- Fixed reacting to MediaStreamDidFail on ChatController
- Don't start speech recognition if audio call is in progress
- Use display name if found than tel number when format uri
- Improve reason text when invite to conference fails
- Say display name if found in alert panel
- Fixed crash on overflow error
- Fixed crash when bogus G722 payload is received
- Fixed building sipfrag payloads
- Fixed performing DNS lookups within a SIP transaction
Version 1.6.0
December 23rd, 2011
- Added Multiparty Screensharing
- Added Keychain support for password storage
- Added voice over support for blind people
- Added speech recognition for Alert Panel commands
- Added keep window on top functionality
- Added custom labels in Address Book entries
- Added auto-answer per contact
- Say incoming caller name using speech syntezis
- Added Voice Assistance Tools menu items
- Refresh search when Address Book has changed
- Allow
- # and , for pause in post-dial DTMF
- Do not render non-text messages in chat view
- Fixed a memory leak in session info panel
- Fixed a memory leak in chat window controller
- Fixed a memory leak in audio controller
- Fixed rejecting proposal when adding new stream
- Fixed restoring volume to VLC player
- Remove participants who did not join conference after 5s delay
- Don't update codec info if call transfer is in progress
- Consider 'unavailable' username as anonymous
- Log calls answered elsewhere as completed
- Refactored Logging window
- Refactored Alert panel
Version 1.5.0
November 28th, 2011
- Added generic LDAP directory support per account
- Added LDAP search integration with SIP2SIP service
- Added automatic DTMF postdial functionality using # delimiter
- Added automatic audio recording setting in advanced audio section
- Added call waiting setting in advanced audio section
- Added reject anonymous caller option in advanced audio section
- Added separate night volume control for audio ringtone
- Added VLC muting support before starting an audio call
- Added dial-plan setting to auto-select account of outgoing calls
- Added TLS verify_server global setting
- Show hint about using the keyboard for entering DTMF
- Restore iTunes volume smoother
- Automatically reload system Address Book when changed
- Use selected contact for add contact button in search results
- Fixed visual feedback when dragging contacts and sessions on top of contacts
- Fixed setting custom ringtone per account
- Fixed crash when Address Book was expanded at start
- Fixed logging of MWI notifications
- Fixed display of matched contacts
- Fixed handling calling to tel: uris
- Log the used audio devices before each call
- Use an alternative SIP route only if timeout was local
- Use system wide user set Downloads directory
- Improved DNS lookup logging
- Optimized display of some widgets in MacOSX Lion
- Make the application sandbox ready
- Several bug fixes in SIP SIMPLE Client SDK
- Switched to Python 2.6
Version 1.4.0
October 31st, 2011
- Added Screenshot sharing based on mouse selected area
- Added per account alert_url, opens custom web page with incoming caller info
- Added Stop and Cancel actions for Screen Sharing requests
- Added registration status to preference panel
- Added support for Bonjour multiparty conferencing
- Added failover to next available hop for new sessions
- Stop ringing imediatelly when cancelling a new stream proposal
- Improved Chat Window and Audio Session contextual menus
- Improved resilience against network connectivity failures
- Improved session and call transfer logging
- Fixed validation of participant URI when inviting to a conference
- Fixed SMS with unicode characters in the body
- Fixed initializing SessionController for outgoing transfers
- Fixed incoming Call Transfer when using a Bonjour account
- Fixed adding participants to a conference with URI in unicode
- Fixed crash in contacts syncronization caused by a multi-threading issue
- Fixed random high CPU load caused by same cause as above
- Fixed updating connect button when chat stream ended
- Fixed exceptions when updating audio status
- Fixed pause/resume iTunes in some cases
- Show display name of incoming caller in log
- Fixed call transfer when rejected multiple times
- Various bug fixes in SIP SIMPLE Client SDK
Version 1.3.0
September 19th, 2011
- Added Speakerphone functionality with Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Added Noise Suppression for fans and other undesirable noises
- Added Screen Sharing using built-in MacOSX VNC viewer and server
- Added Window Screenshot Sharing to Chat window
- Added Session Information Panel
- Added the Favorites group
- Added logging for call transfers
- Added web_password setting for web server authentication
- Added file logging section and help in Preferences
- Added automatic weekly contacts backup
- Added aggregated transfer speed for File Transfers
- Show network transfer rates in bits/s
- Fixed import of contacts from previous Blink versions
- Fixed selecting as default a newly added SIP account
- Fixed the matching contact bug in last calls groups
- Fixed setting initial group when click on add contact button
- Fixed Bonjour target uri for File Transfers
- Fixed one of the random crash bugs in core media
- Fixed saving the icon when adding a new contact
- Fixed draging the contact search results
- Check if a group can be deleted
- Changed default Downloads folder to ~/Downloads
- Improved render speed when displaying many history entries
- Improved Enrollment window elements description
- Rename Chat Reconnect button to Connect
- Wait starting chat session until user types a message
Version 1.2.0
August 2nd, 2011
- Added Call Transfer
- Added XCAP Contact Management (OMA XDM specifications)
- Added backup and restore for the Contacts List
- Added preference option to show or hide Address Book
- Added auto-answer audio call setting for each account
- Added auto-transfer audio call setting for each account
- Added setting for handling new audio devices automatically
- Added setting to enable pausing/resuming of iTunes
- Added keyboard shortcuts for group management
- Added a default TLS certificate for accounts
- Use TLS as the default MSRP transport in Bonjour account
- Improved display of RTP packet loss and latency
- Improved preferences sections and settings description
- Fixed high CPU usage for conferences with many participants
- Fixed enabling of desktop sharing actions
- Fixed memory leaks in history viewer
- Fixed logging when MSRP chat stream ends without actually starting
- Fixed display of TLS icon while connecting session
- Fixed configuration migration with unicode folder name
- Don't imediatelly hide sRTP icon when hangup audio call
- Set sRTP for audio streams optional by default
- Disable chat disconnect and history buttons for bonjour accounts
- Refactored Contact and Group classes of the Contact Model
- Renamed shared conference file table title
- Fixed bug related to Bonjour Account detection
- Replaced the standard VNC viewer
- Added Enable MWI setting
- Many bug fixes in the middleware
Version 1.1.1
June 14th, 2011
- Disable send private message menu item if participant has no active chat media
- Improved alignment of SIP settings page elements
- Scroll chatview to bottom when move splitter
- Auto-append domain to entered text in search list results
- Updated preferences panel descriptions
- Replaced Add to conference button in search with a dragable contact
- Make minimum chat drawer width same as audio sessions drawer
- Play alert tone when remote conference added audio
- Improved DNS lookup logging
- Translate TLS connection error more user friendly
Version 1.1.0
June 8th, 2011
- Added OSX Lion Support
- Added new Preferences Panel
- Added Collaborative Text Editor for Chat sessions
- Added File Transfer support for Multiparty Conferences
- Added feature to open a HTTP URL on incoming sessions
- Added Command Z shortcut key for zoom/unzoom the UI
- Added Command A shortcut key for select all search text
- Added telephone dialpad with Command D shortkey
- Added print capability to Chat, SMS and History windows
- Added incoming file transfer preview in Chat window
- Added conference information to Audio Sessions drawer
- Added incoming file transfer preview in chat window
- Added support for MSRP ACM (RFC 6135)
- Added dragging of contacts from search view to conference
- Refactored logging to be more consistent
- Check if a session still exists when canceling a proposal
- Fixed SMS viewer after latest chat controller changes
- Improved display of failure reason in chat view
- Update own icon in participants drawer
- Protect against dragging contact to a finished session
- Fixed some memory leaks in the middleware
- Fixed drag-and-drop operations with files on Chat window
- Fixed saving custom announcement for answering machine
- Fixed migration from Blink Lite if installed after Blink Pro
- Fixed concurent access issues to the history database
Version 1.0.9
April 28th, 2011
- Fixed creation of history tables at first start
- Added setting to disable Chat sessions
- Added setting to disable File Transfer
- Added setting to disable Desktop Sharing
- End session if remote party removed all streams
- Fixed validating TLS option paths on preferences
- Migrate configuration from Blink Lite to Pro, if present
- Fixed TLS loading path if its relative
- Print origin of session failure in chat window
- Fixed cancel outgoing chat sessions
- Reduced size of Blink dependencies
- Improved interoperability with OnSIP service
- Fixed representation of URIs with special characters
Version 1.0.8
April 6th, 2011
- Fixed history entry when session was ended before it was started
- Render failure_reason in chat window if reason is None
- Compact SDP by removing all SDP attributes when removing a stream
- Added format list validation for MSRP streams
- Improved session failure notifications and response codes
- Fixed contextual menu when no real contact was clicked
- Removed per contact subscribe to presence and dialog attributes
Version 1.0.7
March 24th, 2011
- Fixed a memory allocation error in chat sessions
Version 1.0.6
March 14th, 2011
- Implemented conference add/remove participants (RFC4579)
- Added conference configuration management
- Enable audio when start conference by default
- Added hold icon in the participants drawer
- Group conference history menu entries in one section
- Auto-append domain when dragging phone numbers into conference
- Removed failed invitations from drawer after 5s delay
- Display subject header in alert panel if present in session
- Create a random conference room if none provided
- Fixed URL quoting not to process percent symbol
- Replaced file storage of call history with a SQLite backend
- Show selected combined audio device in Device menu
- Fixed detaching tab from chat window
- Print proposal failures in chat view
Version 1.0.5
March 4th, 2011
- Fixed crashes and increased resilience when connectivity is lost
- Set remote focus on incoming session, if applicable
- Fixed exception when processing conference payload with Bonjour account
- Fixed tooltip text in history viewer
- Improved History Viewer layout
- Fixed iTunes pause notification bug
- Allow for lowercase conference rooms
Version 1.0.4
February 27th, 2011
- Added quick audio device switching
- Fixed manual resizing limits of main window
- Raise incoming session alert panel without taking the focus
- Added dot to the pstn number matching pattern
- Render video file received using file transfer in chat window
- Fixed alignment and improved labels in history viewer toolbar
- Allow two characters long conference rooms
- Improved the History Viewer interface
- Added audio recordings to history viewer
- Added filter by date to history viewer
- Add entries in history for all audio sessions
- Added search by contact in history viewer
- Added begin/end pagination to history viewer
- Improved handling of events during connectivity loss
Version 1.0.3
February 15th, 2011
- Use Cmd-J for join conference and Cmd-S for Silent
- Moved Voicemail items from History to Call menu
- Filter contacts by search text in History viewer
- Filter contacts by media type in History viewer
- Allow add contact from search results to Join Conference window
- Fixed display of history entries matching Address Book entries
- Fixed broken query in History viewer
- Renamed menu Audio to Devices and Conference to Call
- Added Command N short-key for add contact action
- Fixed a memory leak in Chat contoller
- Reduced number of previous chat messages fetched from History
- Added Unicode support for Audio devices
Version 1.0.2
February 10th, 2011
- Added Unicode support for File Locations and Preferences panel
- Improved Chat sessions shutdown logic on multiple window close
- Do not close drawer on window close to avoid transition artifacts
- Fixed exception when the session is ended on error conditions
- Removed Chat history folder setting replaced by the SQLite backend
- Render the Display Name in Chat Growl notifications
- Fixed grouping history entries by account
- Removed Command-A shortcut-key
- Bug fixes in History viewer
Version 1.0.1
February 4th, 2011
- Added support for conference servers
- Added unicode support for non-ascii Display names
- Added Chat window drawer for conference information
- Added MSRP keepalive mechanism for Chat session
- Refactored History Viewer for using SQLite backend
- Improved DNS resolver capabilities
- Improved Chat and SMS interfaces
- Improved File Transfer interface
- Improved Bonjour discovery mechanism
- Fixed crash when broken Request URI contains unquoted @
- Show full name for some Growl notifications
- Fixed exceptions when adding and removing streams
- Fixed accounting of failed sessions
- Fixed bugs in Answering machine
- Fixed display of RTP packet loss information
- Moved Answering Machine to Status menu
- Moved Audio Recording to History menu
Version 1.0.0
November 10th, 2010
- Initial release